Tips for Selecting and Using Adult Temperature Probe
News 2024-12-22
Infant SPO2 Monitor: Ensuring the Health and Safety of Babies
News 2024-12-15
APK recently released a new designed 10 lead(5+5) ECG trunk cable compatible with Philips, GE, Spacelabs etc. Connecting with this new trunk cable, the APK universal ECG lead wires and Philips original ECG lead wires including v-leads can be used with the GE or Spacelabs devices. Which makes the same ECG cable stays with the patient when they move among different departments in the hospital.
3. Compatible to be use with original or compatible lead wires.
Please see below for details. Contact us any time for more details and products!
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Blog 2024-12-22
+Blog 2024-12-15